
Justice Minister admits Probation staff were allocated by 'lottery'

Today, Politics UK reported that new evidence has emerged that Chris Grayling...Read more

25th Jul 2014
Where are they now?

Time was when you could find any member of Probation staff throughout England and  Wales in the Napo Directory - name, team, role, address and contact details. That worked pretty well and was easy...Read more

25th Jul 2014
Further strike action against privatisation planned in MoJ Shared Services

PCS members working in MoJ Shared Service centres in Bootle, Merseyside and Newport, South Wales will be taking further industrial action against privatisation. The 120 members based in Bootle...Read more

23rd Jul 2014
Colchester Borough Council joins call for halt to TR

Last night (16 July), Colchester Borough Council joined the growing number of local authorities discussing the implications of the government's Probation privatisation plans for their areas....Read more

17th Jul 2014
Andrew Selous replaces Jeremy Wright as Justice Minister

It was announced yesterday that Andrew Selous has replaced Jeremy Wright in the Ministry of Justice following the government reshufflle. Jeremy Wright has moved to become Attorney General. ...Read more

17th Jul 2014
