
Napo is engaged in the fight of its life to stop the destruction of the probation service

Writing in the Morning Star today, Napo National Official, Tania Bassett,  writes about Napo's vigorous campaign against Justice Minister, Chris Grayling’s madcap plans to privatise the Probation...Read more

09th Sep 2014
Probation bidders may make a profit, but they’ll never be popular

In his Westminster Outlook column in the Independent today, Mark Leftly reports: “At a rally held by the Napo union in Parliament’s Gladstone Room this week, around 150 probation campaigners...Read more

05th Sep 2014
Grayling's reforms - rehabilitation or private profit? Tania Bassett writes for Inside Time

"We are now three months into Grayling's so called reforms of the Probation Service so it seems like a good time to reflect on how those "teething problems" are going and see just what is at the...Read more

05th Sep 2014

This survey is a damning indictment of how bad things have become in the justice system on David Cameron’s watch - Khan

Sadiq Khan MP, Labour’s Shadow...Read more

03rd Sep 2014
Probation workers survey delivers vote of no confidence in TR

Napo and UNISON survey reveals a stressed and demoralised workforce that has no confidence in government privatisation proposals

A survey of more than 1,000...Read more

02nd Sep 2014
