
NPS Burnley probation office closed forthwith due to Health and Safety issues

Napo HQ have just heard from Sonia Crozier, Director of Probation, that following an inspection by the MoJ, a decision has been made to immediately close the NPS Burnley Probation Office due to...Read more

19th Jan 2018
National Audit Office (NAO) Report on CRC Bail Out

In August last year, Napo, UNISON and GMB/SCOOP wrote to the National Audit Office to draw attention to the lack of transparency in the MOJ’s multi-million pound bail out of the CRC contracts...Read more

04th Jan 2018
NPS 2017 pay talks break down – Unions seek a meeting with Secretary of State

The below Joint Statement from Napo and UNISON has been issued today. It explains that the NPS have refused to make a pay offer in response to the unions' pay claims for 2017 and sets out the...Read more

24th Nov 2017
TUCG Fringe – Priorities for a Socialist Government

The TUCG invites all Napo members to a fringe meeting at Labour Party Conference to discuss how to take forward policies for a future socialist government which delivers for all working class...Read more

22nd Sep 2017
TUCG Fringe Meeting on Pay and Privatisation

The Trade Union Co-ordinating Group is organising a lunchtime fringe meeting at this year's TUC Conference on Pay and Privatisation. Chaired by Steve Gillan, POA General Secretary, speakers...Read more

06th Sep 2017
