Unions demand action on new Covid risks

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Important information for trade union members

In yesterday’s mail out, we advised members that Napo had been involved in urgent contact with employers following the new Lockdown announcements on Monday. Since then we now had an opportunity to consult with our sister trade unions and consider the information that has been reaching us from our activists who have been working extremely hard to respond to members enquiries across the NPS, CRCs, Prisons, Courts and Police Stations.

The attached Joint Unions' bulletin sets out a number of concerns that are contained in a joint letter to the Director General Probation READ MORE HERE.  News on developments in Probation Northern Ireland and Cafcass will be cascaded via Napo NI Branch and the Napo Family Court Section respectively.

In advance of the important meeting with NPS/HMPPS senior leaders tomorrow, the unions have made it very clear that urgent action needs to be taken in response to the issues that we have raised. The unions also intend to seek engagement with Justice Ministers about the disconnect between their Government's unrealistic expectations of service delivery against the reality of the Covid Pandemic and the very serious threats that this poses to the wellbeing of all our members.

More updates for members will be issued as soon as there is more to report.

Ian Lawrence                 Katie Lomas
General Secretary      Napo Chair