
Statement from Napo's General Secretary about Working Links

Napo General Secretary Ian Lawrence responding to the news about Working Links said: ‘There will be very few staff who have been employed in the Working Links CRCs who will shed a tear at the news...Read more

15th Feb 2019
Napo General Secretary urges new starters to join our pay and reunification campaign

Napo General Secretary, Ian Lawrence, and National Chair, Katie Lomas, attended a new starters’ conference in Birmingham on 6th December, which was organised by the Probation Institute....Read more

07th Dec 2018
Myth busting guide - An update

For Family Court Advisors - Please see below Information and link to document:

...Read more

21st Nov 2018
Napo registers a trade dispute over ViSOR vetting shambles

We are now entering into a trade dispute with the employer on the basis of their failure to properly support members who are experiencing difficulties related to vetting and to demand that where...Read more

17th Aug 2018
24 Hours in Police Custody - Channel 4 response

Yesterday we reported that the matter of the incorrect identifcation of an offender as a former probation officer in the Channel 4 documentary 24 Hours in Police Custody...Read more

31st May 2018
