
Advice for members on preventing contact dermatitis caused by the cumulative exposure to chemicals

We are all using more and more chemicals to try to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and, particularly in winter, this can cause contact dermatitis due to the cumulative effect on the skin. Please...Read more

12th Jan 2021
Covid crisis- Unions demand a new safety action plan

Following our representations with employers and mailout report last week on health and safety in...Read more

11th Jan 2021
Unions demand action on new Covid risks

Important information for trade union members

In yesterday’s mail out, we advised members that Napo had been involved in urgent contact with employers following the new...Read more

06th Jan 2021
Covid Lockdown - Napo demands urgent action from all Employers

As you would expect Napo Officers and Officials have been in touch with senior management across all employers where we are recognised, to press for urgent action in light of yesterday’s...Read more

05th Jan 2021
Latest position on Tier 4

High level representations have been made by Napo with employers over the weekend and in the last two days to seek urgent revisions to Exceptional Delivery Models. These efforts have been...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
