
HMIP BAME Report - Napo Press Release

Napo is deeply shocked with the findings of this report. It is very disappointing that 4 years after David Lammy MP published his report into BAME experiences in the criminal justice system that...Read more

16th Mar 2021
New report: Race equality in probation

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation has published a report that looks at the experiences of black, Asian and minority ethnic people in probation services – both as service users and staff....Read more

16th Mar 2021
HMIP Report on Race Equality in probation - Napo Statement

Many of you will be aware of a HMIP report published this morning Race Equality in probation: the experience of black, Asian and minority ethnic probation service users and staff. The thematic...Read more

16th Mar 2021
Probation union calls on government to scrap plans to send more women to prison

Napo, the Probation and Family Courts Union, has produced a comprehensive briefing on Women and the Criminal Justice System to mark International Women’s Day on 8th March.

The...Read more

08th Mar 2021
Covid 19 - Women and Work

The TUCG held a fringe meeting at the TUC Women's Conference on Covid 19 - Women and Work - organising to meet new challenges. The meeting, Chaired by Napo National Official Tania Bassett, heard...Read more

03rd Mar 2021
