

On THIS Saturday 24th April 2021 The Matchgirls Memorial will be marking 150 years since the Match Tax Protest of 1871.

The protest saw match factory workers and employers alike, protesting...Read more

21st Apr 2021
Watch the TUC Young Workers Conference

With keynote speakers Frances O'Grady, TUC General Secretary and Charlotte Nichols, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities; Shav Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary, on tackling racism as a...Read more

08th Apr 2021
Covid Recovery - No room for complacency say Unions and Probation Director General

Throughout the Covid pandemic the Probation trade unions have worked hard to engage with all of the employers where Napo is recognised. Your elected representatives have played a major role in...Read more

25th Mar 2021

Napo, UNISON and GMB/SCOOP have lodged a dispute with NPS over its refusal to backdate the regrading of the AP residential worker from band 2 to band 3.

Back in early 2020 the NPS and...Read more

25th Mar 2021
Lords back National Stalking Register in defiance of Government

Napo has for many years campaigned alongside our sister unions and anti-domestic violence organisations for effective strategies to end male violence against women and girls.

The thoughts...Read more

16th Mar 2021
