Organising & Recruitment

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Napo Calendar 2023-2024 All the important dates for Napo, there is also a Google Calendar on the front page of the website which has these details

Notice Board Refresh (guidance)

We're asking branches to update our Napo notice boards for 2024. 

January: Logo if you need to identify the notice board, and an updated recruitment poster

February: Recruit a Friend and Wear Yellow

March: Rep Details, next Branch Meeting and the Longford Trust

April: Napo Networks 

June: Ballot voting poster (removed)

July: AGM poster

Branch Recruitment

Branch Recruitment review for Branches to undertake between January and March 2024. There is a PDF version or a word version

We will be refreshing these posters as we move through 2024 but there is a more detailed leaflet about the benefits of joining Napo:

Download one here

And a poster where you can put local reps details

Download one here

and here:

Dowload one here

Recruitment Materials

Powerpoint presentations for more formal events:

Download one here (short version)

Download one here (long version)

It can be helpful to have a copy of our latest subscription rates to hand and don't forget to mention that you can claim tax relief on your membership. For more details, contact

Download subs rates here

Download Full Membership Application Form here

Download Direct Debit Form here

Promotional Materials

Are you planning a recruitment drive or a special event? New supplies of promotional material are available.

Contact Annoesjka Valent at

Recruit A Friend Scheme

The next Recruit a Friend Scheme will be running in June!

We have refreshed the scheme rules for 2024 and it will now run as follows:

  • Top recruiters will be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 worth of Love 2 Shop vouchers
  • Recruiters of two or more people will be entered into a prize draw to win £50 worth of Love 2 Shop vouchers
  • Recruiters of one new member will be entered into a prize draw to win £25 worth of Love 2 Shop vouchers
  • All new members will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 Love 2 Shop voucher

The scheme dates for 2024 will be:

  • 1-29 Feb – prize draw April
  • 1-30 June – prize draw August
  • 1-31 October – Prize draw December

Email Pippa Wood at for more details.

Get organised

Organising & Recruitment - Full Guide

Organising & Recruitment - Handy Pocket Guide

Knowing the rules - Napo's Constitution

How are Branches organised? - Duties of Branch Officers  

A Guide to using Social Media - Social Media Guidance

Planning a public campaign - an Activist's Guide

Contacting the Press - A Guide to Local Press Releases

Publicising events - a Guide to Taking Photos

Organising / Activists' Skills

We will be organising branch development training throughout the year to develop your strengths and skills to build a network of strong effective members.

Anyone who wants to represent individual members in personal cases, undertake collective representation or become a Health & Safety rep should look to attend one of the courses provided for Napo members by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) or the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU). Please visit the websites below to find out about any courses available in your area and contact your branch if you want to attend one in order we can support you to get time off to attend any. And there are plenty of other seminars that may be of interest to you.

TUC courses

GFTU courses

Getting active in the various Networks of Napo

You can get involved in lots of national networks that Napo runs.

Click on the link below to look at the list and who to contact to join any of them - pick as many as you like!

The networks are here but will be updated due to National Officer changes following each AGM so contact National Official in first instance in below document:

Who does what at Napo - Committees & Networks