
Napo welcomes Public Accounts Committee Report

Today the Public Accounts Committee published their first report scrutinising the Secretary of State's, Chris Graylings plans to privatise up to 70% of the Probation Service. Napo welcomes the...Read more

20th May 2014
TUC Congress 7-11 September Liverpool - delegation nominations invited

Branches/section and the staff associations are invited to nominate Napo members to form part of Napo's delegation to the 2014 TUC Congress being held in Liverpool from Sunday 7th to Wednesday...Read more

19th May 2014
Welsh Assembly Justice Group re-launched

Napo Cymru Branch has been working with Julie Morgan AM to re-establish a Justice Group in the National Welsh Assembly. Such a group was active in 2010 and 2011 but did not get off the ground...Read more

16th May 2014
Edridge Fund is seeking nominations for a Trustee

Nominations are invited from branches for an individual to serve as Trustee on Napo’s Edridge Fund from September 2014.  

...Read more

09th May 2014
Transforming Rehabilitation Briefings

Please note that these briefings are now available to view on the website in the Members Area. Please log in on the Home Page.  Read more

02nd May 2014
