
Prisons and the Probation Service PPE and Safe Working Practice Guidance

This guidance continues to apply to all Probation staff, including those working in prisons. Napo continues to meet frequently with the employer locally and nationally to...Read more

04th Feb 2022
Another difficult week for Members in Napo Cymru

This week saw the publication of another HMIP inspection report in Wales, this one of Gwent PDU. HMIP assessed the PDU as ‘requiring improvement’. The Inspectorate picked up on issues relating to...Read more

04th Feb 2022
Probation Pay Update - 1 Feb 2022

There have been lots of queries around pay recently so it is worth recapping where we are so far.

Pay Award for April 2021 to March 2022

01st Feb 2022
Probation Director General answers members questions

Following on from the post-AGM Q&A session held with Reform Director Jim Barton, another event took place this week where Director General Amy Rees was joined by Jim and the  Workforce...Read more

26th Jan 2022
Recent HMI Probation reports and member's anger

Two recent reports by HMI Probation have now been published. The first is in relation to the inspection carried out within the Swansea Neath Port Talbot Probation...Read more

26th Jan 2022
