
Vacancy for General Secretary of GFTU

Current GFTU General Secretary, Doug Nicholls will be retiring at the end of May 2023.

Their Executive Committee has agreed to...Read more

23rd Nov 2022
HM Probation and Prisons Inspectorate publish OMiC thematic report

This week saw the publication of a joint thematic report on pre-release work under the Offender Management in Custody (OMiC) model by HM Inspectorates of Probation and...Read more

04th Nov 2022
Napo challenging the employer on pay issues

Napo is aware of a number of issues that have emerged over the course of the week relating to pay, and we have received numerous emails from members regarding these. At the time of writing, most...Read more

04th Nov 2022
Time’s up for ‘reckless and insulting’ Parole changes
  • The decision by former Secretary of State Dominic Raab to strip probation officers of the right to make recommendations to the Parole Board endangers the public and further de-
  • ...Read more
20th Oct 2022
Napo adds name to TUC letter to prime minister

Napo and other unions signed a letter from the TUC demanding better from the prime minister.

Click here...Read more

30th Sep 2022
