
VLO update 06.10.23

Members will be aware that the JES outcome for VLOs was recently announced and it was disappointing that the role came out as a Band 3. Napo informed members that all 3 trade unions intended to do...Read more

06th Oct 2023
Operation Protect

Hope all members got the link for our next joint trade union members’ meeting on 29th September.

Here is the link again  ...Read more

22nd Sep 2023
Family Court Section Meetings in September

Here is your reminder of meetings coming up for Family Court Section members in September. We looking forward to seeing you there:

Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 5.00pm...Read more

08th Sep 2023
NSSN lobby of the TUC this Sunday

Napo GS, Ian Lawrence, has been confirmed as a speaker at the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of the TUC this sunday.

This is a crucial time for the trade union movement. The...Read more

08th Sep 2023
Why (are wages falling and profits rising)? GFTU Online seminars

Equip yourselves with the arguments you need to counter the ongoing narrative that pay increases aren't affordable and are inflationary with the GFTU's 3 online seminars...Read more

08th Sep 2023
