There are still places available on the LGBT Awareness Course - 28 June 2019 (in the PCS Building, London, SW11 2NY - close to Clapham Junction Station)/ This course is part of the re-instated equality awareness courses for members and branch...Read more
Napo HQ Blog
In July last year, the MoJ launched its Strengthening Probation, Building Confidence consultation after announcing plans to terminate and retender the CRC contracts earlier than expected. Last week, the MoJ published its response to the consultation...Read more
24th May 2019
The new Cafcass Chief Executive, to take over from Antony Douglas, has been announced. Jacky Tiotto will be taking up her post in Autumn 2019. Jacky will be joining Cafcass from the London Borough of Bexley, where she is currently Director of...Read more
22nd May 2019
Napo the Trade Union for Probation staff is deeply concerned that the London National Probation Service has been assessed as “wholly unsatisfactory” by the Chief Inspector for Probation Dame Glenys Stacey. Despite the hard working and dedicated...Read more
22nd May 2019
Napo members and all who have followed the story of the destruction of the probation service were in celebratory mood last week after the government announced plans to abondon its failed model. While there is still some way to go, most would agree...Read more
20th May 2019
In July last year, the MoJ launched its Strengthening Probation, Building Confidence consultation after announcing plans to terminate and retender the CRC contracts earlier than expected. Last week, the MoJ published its response to the consultation...Read more
20th May 2019
Tuesday 14th May certainly was a busy day for probation followers. At 10am The Justice Select Committee heard evidence from Dame Glenys Stacey on her HMIP Annual Report. Bob Neill’s opening remarks left no doubt in anyone's mind where the committee...Read more
15th May 2019
More than 120 MPs have written to the government asking for an inquiry into how family courts in England and Wales treat victims of domestic violence. A BBC story today reported on the idanger of abusive ex-partners being granted unsupervised...Read more
15th May 2019
The Probation service is a mess. The reforms brought in under the guise of Transforming Rehabilitation have taken a formerly award winning service and destroyed it. So much has been reported about the failings in the system and we wanted to offer a...Read more
13th May 2019
Finally, news has come that a new Minister for Prison and Probation has been appointed. Napo would like to extend a warm welcome to Robert Buckland QC MP who is the MP for South Swindon. Prior to becoming a politician Robert practiced law in Wales...Read more
10th May 2019