Tackling inequality in the workplace

There are still places available on the LGBT Awareness Course - 28 June 2019 (in the PCS Building, London, SW11 2NY - close to Clapham Junction Station)/

This course is part of the re-instated equality awareness courses for members and branch activists.  This specialist courses will cover LGB&T issues and on On completing the course learners will be able to recognise key elements of an equality and diversity policy to ensure that employers get it right.

The course is free to attend but members will have to request permission from their branch to cover travel and subsistence. It may also be possible that your employer will allow you time to attend these courses and cover your costs.  This is discretionary and it will be dependent on business need.  If this is not allowed members will be required to take leave or Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) to attend.

If you are interested please contact Napo’s National Official Ranjit Singh at rsingh@napo.org,uk or call on 0207 223 4887.


Other courses coming up:

13 September 2019: Tackling Inequality in the Workplace (General Equalities Course)

25 October 2019: Race Equality

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Napo HQ Blog