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News came through this week on the progress of the OM review. In a letter to the Trade Unions NOMS Chief Executive Michael Spurr outlined five key principles which underpin his aim to achieve improvements to the current system.

In the formal invitation to consultation, we have been told that the review is based on the views of HMI Prisons and Probation, over 550 employees and partners, including a wide range of prison Governors and staff, (NPS) managers and practitioners and service providers.

The key principles contained in the letter are:

Cafcass shortlisted for Childrens Team award

I read the blog posting from Cafcass Chief Anthony Douglas the other day  which talked about the feeding frenzy that often follows news of another death of a child or gaps in evidence to the court which the media is oft to seize upon without knowing all of the facts.

Sodexo come back to table as Minister responds to unions concerns

At the end of another full on week, and as reported in BR 88-2015, the probation unions have now secured further talks with Sodexo on their early severance scheme. The discussions will take place this Monday and Tuesday have come about as a result of a meeting between the NNC Joint Secretaries the parties, and the MOJ contract compliance directorate.


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