Women’s occupational health issue are often overlooked by the employers, even though women form the majority of the workforce in both probation and family court sectors. The TUC Gender and Occupational Safety and Health ‘Gender-sensitivity' Checklist (see link below) seeks to address this. So please take the time to have a read of this.
For a long time now employers have refused to acknowledge the combined impact house work and caring responsibilities (the majority of which is done by women) impacts on women’s work at the workplace and to the physical differences between men and women. Fortunately there is now more research around women’s occupational safety and health - examples of which are available at the links below. So there should be no excuse for employers saying they were not aware of these issues.
Napo has given priority to our campaigning work around women’s health and safety. For example in 2017 we worked with academics from Department of Psychology, King’s College, London in surveying our women members about their experience of women’s health issues at work, focusing on PMS and menopause.
We used the research results to inform our Napo menopause guidance and our seminars for Napo women members on Women’s occupational health.
Useful LInks
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - New and expectant mothers
TUC Gender and Occupational Safety and Health ‘Gender-sensitivity' Checklist Ready to use checklist : How gender-sensitive is your workplace?
TUC guide Supporting working women through the menopause, guidance for union representatives
Hazards on Women’s Health and Safety
European Agency for Safety and Health at work, women and safety and health at work