Recovery Programme and Interserve

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We have had some preliminary discussions around Interserve’s recovery programme – but these discussions begin in earnest at a Covid19 Interserve JNCC which takes place tomorrow (03 06 20).

Early day discussions around the Interserve recovery period have centred around UPW (where there is a push coming from HMPPS level to get this service going before other areas of CRC work).

We haven’t as yet had any discussion at national level with Interserve as regards generic Covid19 risk assessments. But it is anticipated that these talks will begin very soon.

Once these generic risk assessments are agreed, they will then be adapted as necessary for each individual workplace. Napo safety reps have a legal right to be involved in this process and this is recognised by Interserve. The role of the Napo rep is important as each workplace is different and local knowledge is essential in relation to enabling a ‘Covid secure’ workplace.

In connection with this, Napo Interserve reps took part in a Napo Covid19 health and safety seminar last week and are therefore up to speed with relevant health and safety legislation and employment law in relation to Covid19 - and they will be given help and assistance where necessary from national level.

Napo are unique amongst the Interserve probation unions in having local reps in each of the Interserve CRCs. But there are many workplaces in each CRC and it is going to be very difficult for the reps to be able to cover them all. Therefore, the Napo Interserve reps will need your help and assistance with this. In relation to this please look out for Napo comms in the very near future as regards recruitment of Napo Covid Contacts - people to be our eyes and ears re Covid related issues in each workplace.

On a slightly different note ….there have been difficulties throughout this crisis period of decisions relating to some issues connected with the Covid19 crisis (for example in relation to parental leave and carry-over of annual leave) being taken ‘higher up’ in Interserve– which we are then being told can’t be changed when they reach us at JNCC level.  This detracts from our right to consultation as a recognised trade union - and in relation to health and safety related may be a breach of our legal right to consultation. We have raised problems around this many times - and will continue to do so.