It’s late on a Friday and I have still to do some work in advance of a full day’s business in Cornwall on Monday speaking with Napo members and meeting the local Police and Crime Commissioners.

I will shortly be issuing another statement to NPS members describing the shambolic state of affairs in relation to that generous zero pay offer from the NPS that I wrote out about in last week’s mail out.

Essentially, Michael Spurr says that he is unable to improve on the position due to Treasury restrictions on exceeding the 1% 2017 pay envelope that we are told he has already spent when factoring in incremental progression and the uplifting of salaries to existing staff in the five NPS ‘red sites’ where higher starting pay is offered. The unions have yet to be convinced that his people have got their sums right. Who can blame us after the SSCL pay and pensions fiasco that is still throwing up fresh cases each week and pay data that is about as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

On MFS they tell us that ‘compliance reasons’ prevent them from progressing any further payments and that they intend to address this as part of a wider set of pay reforms in a business case that has been submitted to HM Treasury for approval saying that they hope to reinstate these payments in 2018/19. Hugely reassuring for new starters and existing staff alike.

Right now those Dogs and Ponies look a lot more competent with their performance.    

The true cost of Public Sector Pay depression

I have just received a copy of the IPPR research report 'Uncapped Potential - the economic and fiscal impact of lifting the public sector pay cap' commissioned by the TUC and GMB.

The report demonstrates the returns made to the Treasury through the fiscal and economic impact of raising pay under different scenarios and how this significantly reduces the headline cost.

IPPR's analysis shows that raising public sector pay in line with inflation costs £5.8 billion by 2019/20, but this falls to £3.3 billion after higher tax receipts and lower welfare payments are taken into account – this figure is reduced further when wider economic impacts are factored in.

 More to follow on this and the Westminster debate on public sector pay on Monday.

Legal Aid debate in Parliament

A major debate took place this week on the provision of legal aid in the UK. Here is the transcript

Your personal e-mail address helps Napo to keep you posted

Lots more news to follow later in the week shortly, but another reminder to help you respond to colleagues who say they don’t hear anything from Napo.

A personal email address means that we can send material directly to you without employers firewalls and access restrictions getting in the way: and along with my weekly blog posts there are usually a range of members updates and special offers on Napo ‘Extra’ going direct to your personal inbox.



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