The TUC is urging all union members to contact their MEP asking them to use their influence the coming key vote on the controversial TTIP Treaty. Though MEPs won’t decide on TTIP themselves, the vote is an opportunity for them to influence the European Commission’s negotiators on the issues of key concern to the trade union movement..
The TUC has set up that enables supporters to email their MEP and request that they ensure that any resolution they pass on TTIP includes:
- defence of workers’ rights;
- protection for public services;
- removal of ISDS and special courts for foreign investors; and
- no reduction in regulatory protections for workers, consumers or the environment.
Here is the URL link for the online tool:
The TUC is opposed to TTIP, confirmed at the last TUC Congress. Trade unionists around Europe are also expressing their concerns to their respective MEPs, on the above issues.
Napo members are asked to use the link to write to their MEPs BEFORE 8 JUNE.