Cafcass Pay Consultation update

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Thank you to all those members who voted in the consultation ballot on the Cafcass pay offer for 2024-25. We are aware it was a quick turnaround, but there was overwhelming support to accept the offer with over 89% of those voting in favour.
UNISON had a similar result, in that their members also voted to accept the offer.
The joint trade unions have informed management this morning of the fact that the offer of 4.43% for all staff has been accepted and we have assurances from the employer that they will be able to ensure that this appears in your January pay.
The Section Executive Committee wish all our members an enjoyable and relaxing break and we will be in touch in the New Year with consultation on the 2025-26 pay round.
Thank you for your support over the last 12 months.
The Family Court Section Executive Committee