We have received the revised MOU for consultation following Napo’s concerns as to where the responsibility for the final sign off of these contracts should be, and it is, as we suspected, the commercial department. There will be a checklist for the coordinators to use when setting up new contracts, and these will then be overseen by the UPW Managers. On the H and S front, there is a great deal of work going on in the background, most recent being the new directive for people on probation to wear the probation issued boots, due to a claim being made against the service by a person on probation who sustained an injury whilst wearing their own boots. The tribunal found that HMPPS has a duty of care and should have made it mandatory for the service to provide them. This will also need a cleaning regime to be incorporated into the supervisors’ day, but not on top of. Again, any queries to Carole and Tania.