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You should email payroll@rrpgov.uk 

Please see the table below which gives the payroll cut off dates. How it works. Example if you email before 8th April you can stop payment going out from your April Salary. If you email after 8th April the earliest date you can cancel your subs is your May salary.

When you email payroll give them: Name, Payroll Number (on your salary advice slip), where you work, which CRC, and request that they stop your Napo (union) subscription salary deduction FROM - give them the next date on from the payroll cut off date i.e. if you email before 8th April you want the deduction to cease from April. If you email after 8th April but before 7th May, you want it to cease from your May salary.

COPY membership@napo.org.uk in to the email so WE know when your subs will stop and we can ensure when your direct debit is taken to account for this.

Ask them to confirm in writing (email) what will be the LAST pay date from which a deduction will be made.

You can get a handy cut and past template HERE.



Pay Month

To be received by Payroll no later than:


8th April 2021


7th May 2021


08th June 2021