
Secretary of State announces resignation of Paul McDowell as Chief Inspector of Probation

The Justice Secretary has today announced the resigantion of Paul McDowell as Chief Inspector of Probation. In a written statement to the House of Commons, Chris Grayling said; "As I discussed...Read more

02nd Feb 2015
ICCJ Call for Papers

The Editorial team of the ICCJ have issued a Call for Papers - please click here to view it.

To view further...Read more

29th Jan 2015
TUC launches toolkit for unions to tackle homophobia in football

A toolkit designed to stamp out homophobia in football is being launched today (28-01-15) by the TUC as part of a concerted action by unions and their allies.

...Read more

28th Jan 2015
Support TSSA in their campaign for members’ rights in First Great Western

Napo has seen a message of support to the TSSA union in their campaign to fight the termination of the collective bargaining agreement for managers with First Great Western rail.  

TSSA is...Read more

21st Jan 2015
MSc in Forensic Mental Health

The University of Birmingham are running an MSc course in Forensic Mental Health - please click here for further details...Read more

20th Jan 2015
