
Indicative ballot to reject the pay freeze and the insulting pay offer from the Probation Service

Earlier this year the Probation trade unions submitted a multi-year pay claim to try and achieve some certainty on pay going forward. After some promising early exchanges, the negotiations hit a...Read more

20th Aug 2021
Napo’s response to the HMIP Thematic Report on Drugs – August 2021

Napo members will be frustrated to read this report detailing the many failings of the failed...Read more

19th Aug 2021
Probation Journal is recruiting

After 17 years as the Managing Editor of the Probation Journal, Emma Cluley is stepping down at the end of 2021 and we are therefore seeking a timely replacement for her so that there is a period...Read more

19th Aug 2021
Changes to COVID laws does not change employer’s obligations on Health and Safety

In England much has been made of the changes this week to the government roadmap with the removal of a great deal of legal restrictions in relation to controlling the...Read more

23rd Jul 2021
No place for Racism in Football - or anywhere else

At this week’s meeting of Napo Officers and Officials we discussed the events that were reported before and after the European Championship final between England and Italy last Sunday.

...Read more

16th Jul 2021
