Welsh Assembly Justice Group re-launched

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Napo Cymru Branch has been working with Julie Morgan AM to re-establish a Justice Group in the National Welsh Assembly. Such a group was active in 2010 and 2011 but did not get off the ground again following the last Assembly elections.

Tracey Worthy from Napo Cymru told Napo News: ‘With everything that is happening right now it seemed a wasted opportunity not to have the equivalent of the Westminster Justice Unions Parliamentary Group in Wales. The group will provide the opportunity for the trade unions in the Justice Sector and other stakeholders in the Welsh justice system to get our message across to AMs and to work with them to promote our objectives and campaigns.’

Julie Morgan was elected as Chair of the Group and Tracey will be acting as Secretary. The Group plans to meet again in early October; in the meantime they will be asking some critical questions about the TR agenda and the impact of the Probation split in Wales.

Read a full report in Napo News Online