The Trade Union Co-ordinating Group (TUCG) has welcomed the ‘no’ vote in yesterday’s Greek Referendum on the austerity max bailout package proposed by the IMF and EU capitalist Governments in conjunction with the ECB. The TUCG currently comprises nine trade unions BFAWU, FBU, NAPO, NUJ, NUT, PCS, POA, RMT, and URTU and represents just under one million trade unionists throughout the UK.
The TUCG applauds the Greek people for their commitment and determination in the fight for their future which in turn lead to an overwhelming ‘No’ vote against the proposals of the bankers and capitalists of Europe. With George Osborne expected to deliver one of the toughest budgets in history this week with an expected £12bn cut to the welfare budget, the TUCG calls on workers, students, pensioners and politicians across the UK and Europe to unite with Greece in standing up against the politics of austerity and demanding a fair and equal society for all, not just the rich and privileged.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: 'The Greek people have seen their jobs, services and standards of living throttled by the Troika and the neo-liberal, pro-austerity ethos which is at the very core of the Euro project. We share their anger and salute their courage. The idea that the EU is in any way pro-worker and pro-public services is a myth which needs to be exposed and challenged by the entire trade union movement.'
PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka said: 'As the former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said, Syriza has 'reintroduced the concept of democracy to Europe' by trusting the Greek people with the decision on their future, instead of leaving it in the hands of bankers and politicians in Brussels. Europe must respect this overwhelming and inspiring vote against deeper austerity and we send our solidarity to the Greek people.'
URTU General Secretary Bob Monks said: 'The Greek people have had the courage, yet again, to stand up to the pro austerity Governments of Europe by voting ‘no’ in yesterday’s referendum. URTU stands with TUCG member unions in congratulating Syriza and the people of Greece in their continued fight for a fair and just solution for all those who have suffered at the hands of the bankers and pro-austerity EU elite for too long.'