Programmes Update: The date for the appeal panel is 1st March. The panel normally have 20 days to announce the decision, however we are aware there may be a large number of individual appeals submitted, so that may need adjusting. The panel will evaluate the joint trade union appeal first, and if it comes out at Band 3, they will then move to the individual appeals in the order the Jes team received them. If an appeal is evaluated at Band 4, the process will stop there.
If anyone has also submitted an individual appeal, are you aware you can have a few minutes to speak to the panel re your appeal, and answer any questions the panel may have?
VLOS: The trade unions are in talks with the employers side as to the date their banding should be backdated to and we will keep you informed as these continue.
DASOs: The new manual has now been finally released in its first draft, (last Friday) and the trade unions have received access to it. Napo have been asked to give a response to the manual's contents. Concerns have been raised in respect of more changes to an already overchanged interventions team.
UPW: A repeat request for people to send in any concerns they have in relation to the new minibus fleet, any health and safety and welfare issues please. If we arent made aware of these things, we cant do anything to address them