Facilitator Appeal
The joint trade union appeal for the above has now been submitted. However, we were made aware yesterday that there had been some communication issues with the interventions reform team, which led to a request to the trade unions to agree an extension to the closing date for submissions. Obviously we have agreed to this and the new close date is 5pm on Wednesday 7th February.
In Issue 127 (30th Jan 2024) Probation News, there is a survey for all of our UPW colleagues to complete as to how safe do they feel at work. Please can we encourage everyone to complete this, as it is a really good opportunity under Operation Protect to say how you really feel. Not only are the expected tickboxes, but there are also several boxes to add your comments and suggestions in. We are aware there are issues being reported to us in respect of group sizes, people on probation sitting in the front of vans, only one supervisor with a group, so now is your opportunity to say it as it is.
This is a completely anonymous survey, so there will be no comeback, and hopefully will contribute to a more positive outcome for you all.
We had the meeting with the new national lead last Thursday in relation to the updates re the new manual and also the job evaluation. They have decided that the manual needs to be in place and agreed before any possible changes to the job description and/or evaluation. Currently they are in the process of finalising chapter 5, which is about roles and responsibilities, this is with the policy team and will then come to trade unions for consultation. We are expecting this next week.
Workplace Passports
Has your workplace passport been reviewed lately? Is it still fit for purpose or does it need amending? Under Operation Protect we would encourage everyone to update their passports with their line manager, and don't forget you can have a trade union rep with you as well