Nominations for National Officers 2019-21 and Steering Committee 2020-23

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Nominations are sought for the following Officer posts to take effect from AGM in October 2019:-

  • One Cafcass Vice-Chair post
  • One Probation Vice-Chair post
  • One Vice-Chair post (with additional  responsibility for chairing the NEC Finance Subcommittee and liaising with the Finance Officer)

All posts receive a minimum of 50% facility time.

Steering Committee

This Committee is responsible for the ordering of business at General Meetings.

Nominations are invited for the 2 vacancies which occur this year - those elected will serve for three years, the posts taking effect from January 2020.  
Branches/Family Court Section may make one nomination only.

There is no facility time for these posts.


Section 9 of the Constitution contains the detail of the arrangements for Officers and is attached as Appendix 1 on page 4 of this paper.
Section 13d of the Constitution contains the details of the arrangements for Steering Committee and is attached as Appendix 2 on page 5 of this paper.

Nomination Process

Below are the forms for completion by branches and candidates for election.  The closing date for nominations is 12 noon on Thursday 11 July 2019.  If an election is necessary there will be a postal ballot of all full members and the results of the election will be available by early September.

Candidates for election of Officers must be full members of the Association as per Clause 4a(i) and must be nominated by branches.  
Candidates for election for Steering Committee do not need to be full members.

Branch officers must complete and forward the attached form BR15a/2019 so that the form is in the hands of the General Secretary (see procedural checklist and forms for details to email/fax/post) no later than noon on Thursday 11 July 2019. Candidates must also forward their written consent by the same date using the attached form BR15b/2019.

If a ballot is required we will circulate a statement to members from each candidate (see BR15b/2019).  Statements from candidates contain two sections:  

Section (a) should cover career details, Napo/staff associations/other union roles and posts held.  This section should provide only factual information.  
Section (b) should include the aims and views that candidates wish to communicate, addressing Napo's objects as far as possible.  
Please ensure that Section (b) is no more than 250 words in length.  If this section exceeds 250 words it will be edited without consultation.  

Candidates are required to sign a statement verifying the information they have provided (see BR15b/2019) and should also complete and return Napo’s Monitoring Form, which is attached to BR15b/2019.  

Napo will be appointing Electoral Reform Services to act as Independent Scrutineer if an election is necessary.

Full Info Circular
Branch Nomination Form
Candidate's Statement Form