Napo's position on Public Sector Pay Freeze

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The Chancellor has outlined his spending review in a statement to parliament. Unfortunately, as predicted that included a pay freeze for all public sector workers (with the exception of NHS frontline staff and those earning less than £24,000). Whilst this may offer some hope for the lowest paid members we have yet to confirm if probation or family court staff are included in this staffing group. We will of course update you as soon as we can.

In anticipation of this pay freeze, yesterday Napo’s NEC passed an EMERGENCY MOTION to launch a campaign against another pay freeze. Napo issued a press release today following the statement and a copy can be found below by clicking the link below.


The majority of Napo members have endured over 10 years of frozen pay. To add insult to injury, the Chancellor's announcement to parliament undermines collective bargaining especially when NPS 2020 pay negotiations are still on going. Napo will be joining our sister unions to campaign against this policy.

Essential key workers have kept this country going through this pandemic and should be getting a pay rise for their efforts. Instead the government is expecting public sector workers to pay the bill for pandemic while they continue to spend millions of pounds on inadequate PPE, contracts for their friends and £4 billion on increasing prison space. Napo must now stand shoulder to shoulder with all key workers to demand not only a reversal of this policy but a pay rise for all public sector workers.