Napo statement on the Palestine and Israel conflict

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As the conflict in the middle east continues, we have understandably received enquiries from a few members about the position of Napo and that of other trade unions.

We thought it would be helpful if we explained the position as it stands in terms of Napo’s support for statements made by the TUC and General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) which appear below.

When the current hostilities broke out last October, the situation was discussed at a meeting of the TUC General Council on which Napo are represented by the General Secretary.

On the following day at Napo's AGM, the General Secretary brought the TUC statement to the attention of the Officer Group. 

It was agreed that the TUC statement should be read out to AGM and this was done. The statement was adopted into the minutes.

The following month, the conflict was debated at the GFTU where the following statement was agreed

Napo is also represented by the General Secretary at the GFTU and this was referenced at the meeting of Napo’s National Executive Committee (NEC) in November.

The Gaza and Israel conflict will also be open for discussion at the NEC meeting on 8th March.

Napo's democratic structures 

As on any matter of policy it is open to individual Napo members to raise questions or seek to influence that policy via a motion to our Annual General Meeting. In between Conference, Branches may submit questions via their NEC representatives or seek to submit motions for consideration by the NEC meeting.

We hope that this clarifies the current situation.