
Legal Aid Rally

CLSA have organised a rally of parliament on 23rd April as part of their on going protest to legal aid cuts. Tickets are just £12 and the money raised will go towards their legal challenge of the...Read more

09th Apr 2015
#LegalAidTeam Thunderclap

The Justice Alliance is an alliance of legal organisations, charities, community groups, grass roots and other campaigning groups, trade unions and individuals who are united in their opposition...Read more

08th Apr 2015
Justice Secretary's absconding prisoner policy unlawful

The High Court has ruled that the Justice Secretary's policy of excluding prisoners from open prisons if they have a history of absconding is unlawful, ITV reports....Read more

01st Apr 2015
Sodexo hits probation services with massive redundancies - Press Release

On Friday 27 March 2015 Napo was informed that Sodexo, one of the private companies running 6 of the Community Rehabilitation Companies, will be making massive cuts to staff over the next 12...Read more

28th Mar 2015
Sodexo publish their new service delivery model – hundreds of jobs at risk

Sodexo has just published its new operating model – out for a very short consultation period over Easter. This model is expected to be imposed across all its CRCs. Details so far published suggest...Read more

27th Mar 2015
