Competency Based Framework for Pay Progression - trial year to start soon

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The competency based framework for pay progression (CBF) will launch in April for a trial year. The CBF was part of the 2018 pay deal and it has taken some time to develop a model to use. Reps from the three Probation Trade Unions (Napo, UNISON and GMB SCOOP) were involved with the design work. The attached from NPS is the start of a series of snapshots to help staff understand what CBF is all about before it launches in April 2021.

The pay year from April 2021 to March 2022 will be a trial year for CBF meaning that it will be used and feedback sought in order to refine and improve it but no decisions on pay progression will be made using CBF and all eligible staff who are not at the top of their pay scale will progress to the next pay point in April 2022. CBF will launch properly in April 2022 and in early 2023 decisions will be made about progression in April 2023 on the basis of the CBF.

CRC staff transferring into NPS in June will also use the CBF, as part of the deal to harmonise to NPS pay scales. They will participate in the trial year after their transfer in order to give feedback on the scheme but as with existing NPS staff no decisions will be made about pay progression using CBF until April 2023.

27 January Probation News - CBF Snapshot