HM Inspector for Probation and the Justice Select Committee have called the privatisation of probation a failure, yet the Ministry of Justice plans to continue its “marketisation” of probation only this time with bigger contracts. All the evidence suggests that it is the split between providers that has caused the greatest issues. To continue this will not rectify the situation or improve service delivery.
- Reunify the Probation Service
- Bring Probation back into public ownership.
- Develop local probation services that can function as a non-departmental body and respond with flexibility to local needs.
- Increase the use of third sector organisations to make available local services
Napo response to MoJ consultation "Strengthening Probation"
Napo's response to MoJ consultation "Strengthening Probation" - briefing format
Napo Cymru response to MoJ consultation "Strengthening Probation" PDF
Despite being sceptical about the government's consultation on it's plans for Probation, Napo will be playing a full part. As part of this, we are producing a series of in depth briefings and question papers looking at the other big questions prompted by the paper, even if they’re not specifically mentioned in the consultation.
Consultation Blog #3 - The toxic legacies TR
Consultation Blog #2 - The money and the financial questions around the new CRC contracts
Consultation Blog #1 - The disastrous TR model
Support EDM 1449
The EDM was put down at the end of June by Liz Saville Roberts MP following publication of the report of the JSC inquiry into TR.
EDMs are useful in gauging parliamentary opinion. They can also influence ministerial thinking in that they reflect how much individual MPs are listening to their constituents on an issue. All members are urged to check if their MP has signed and if not to contact them drawing their attention to the JSC report and asking them to support the EDM.