Ian Lawrence's Blog

While the team here do their best to respond to incoming enquiries about the NPS pay offer, we had cause to issue some further clarification following reports we have received from members who were confused or angry (or...Read more

22nd Oct 2018

At last we are in a position to publicise the pay offer and all NPS members for whom we have a preferred email address should have received a unique code which will allow you to vote in the ballot which launched today.

I don’t intend to...Read more

15th Oct 2018

I expect that everyone who was at Napo's AGM in Southport will have a little less in the tank than is usual for a Monday today.

Feedback has been great, with many members telling me that they have returned from a long journey home highly...Read more

08th Oct 2018

It was a little frustrating that we were not able to provide some of the detail contained in the NPS pay offer that we will be recommending to members in a ballot after the AGM.

As was made clear in last week’s mail out, the principle...Read more

01st Oct 2018

Our wholesale opposition to the calamitous decision by David Gauke to retender the shortened CRC contracts, and offer new ones within a reconfigured 10 region structure was again reinforced in...Read more

24th Sep 2018

My experience of many sets of pay negotiations over the years is that a delicate balance is required between keeping members up to date with news of progress whilst maintaining the necessary confidentiality.

The position as I write, is...Read more

17th Sep 2018

This week's Blog comes to you live from Manchester Central. At last weeks meeting of the Napo NEC your delegates to the 2018 Trade Union Congress, Yvonne Pattison and myself were given approval to vote in favour of the...Read more

10th Sep 2018

Europe - in or out? It's been one of those taboo subjects that Napo does not have a policy position on. It is up there alongside Electoral Reform as one of those issues that we never seem to get around to discussing. That’s an observation not a...Read more

03rd Sep 2018

News that HMP Birmingham is to revert back into state control will come as no surprise given the events that have found their way into the national spotlight over the last few months....Read more

20th Aug 2018

We have issued a great deal of material on ViSOR vetting over the past few months but these last two or three weeks have seen a much bigger than usual flow of incoming concerns from members.
The root cause of the problem is the insistence...Read more

14th Aug 2018
