There has been some confusion in relation to the Farm and Fuarm meetings when people are off with a workplace injury and/or workplace stress. The Formal Attendance Review at 14 days and the Formal Unacceptable Absence...Read more

12th Jul 2024

We have received the revised MOU for consultation following Napo’s concerns as to where the responsibility for the final sign off of these contracts should be, and it is, as we suspected, the commercial department. There...Read more

12th Jul 2024

The trade unions have now received the new Daso manual for consultation prior to the planned job evaluation. Again, please contact Carole or Tania for further information. Napo have also raised and continuing to raise...Read more

12th Jul 2024

The 121 meetings should now have started for all B3 and B4 facilitators and the SPOs following the disappointing outcome of the facilitator evaluation. The managers will have received the packs for the format to follow...Read more

12th Jul 2024

We are contacting Business Manager and Regional (RPD) Business Manager members to advise that the Job Evaluation processes for both roles have currently paused due to potential new responsibilities coming to light...Read more

12th Jul 2024

This communication is by way of an immediate update for members and will be followed up by more detailed communications.

The unions had a very productive call with the...Read more

12th Jul 2024
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