Napo Member
If you are already a member of Napo you will receive an email on Monday 15th October with your unique voting code and a link to our e-ballot. Please follow the instructions in the email and on the voting page to indicate either your acceptance or rejection of the offer. This email will have been sent to your preferred email address, which could be your personal or work email. If you have not received an email then first please check your junk/spam folder before contacting the Napo Membership team (email: or phone 020 7223 4887).
Please don’t forget to vote before NOON on Monday 5th November.
Not a Napo Member?
If you have read this and want to join Napo to have your say, and get involved in the on-going professional discussions or in our #PayUnity and #OneProbation campaign to reunify local services then call our membership team on 020 7223 4887 or click here to join on-line. Once your membership is set-up we'll send you an email with your unique voting code so that you can join our e-ballot.